Friday, October 14, 2011

Art festival draws local creativity

There's nothing like a new piece of artwork to add that homey touch to any home or office to make it more expressive and inviting.
Artisans and decorators alike made their way at The Greenway Art Festival Saturday to display and purchase various types of artwork.
The festival, hosted by Friends of the Greenway, was open and free to the public. The festival stretched out along a sidewalk that wound through Old Fort Park with sections of various artisans, such as painters, photographers and artist-blacksmiths.
"It's really great, and I like doing the festival," said Liz Grady, vendor and student majoring in Liberal Arts.
Artists presented and sold a wide selection of beaded and glass jewelry, photographs, paintings, drawings, metal carvings, dream catchers and much more.  Many of the artisans also promoted non-profit organizations to which some of their proceeds went to.
Among the displays was artist Lucas Antoniak, former MTSU graduate and Sidelines cartoonist, displaying a unique style of paintings and T-shirt designs, which stood out with its dark and somewhat satirical humor.
"This isn't even my dark stuff," Antoniak said to an admirer.
Other vendors like artist-blacksmith Joe Brown presented exquisite designs created from iron for various purposes, including furniture, interior and exterior décor, and candle holders mostly crafted with nature and music in mind. The works ranged greatly in size, and Brown said it could take anywhere from hours to months to complete.
"I left my corporate job to do this," Brown said. "I love it."
Brown said he also designs custom orders.
The festival featured a stage along the trail with live music by local artists for added entertainment. Also available was a selection of food stands that served freshly squeezed lemonade, hot dogs, nachos and popcorn.
"There really should be more food and drinks, though," Grady said. "It's very limited."
According to Grady, the location was moved to Old Fort Park for the second year from the Stones River Greenway for better access for vendors and better parking.
"It's just a more convenient location," she said.
Families found relaxation and sunshine at the arts festival.
Some follow their favorite vendors to the annual festival in hopes of purchasing a new art piece to enjoy in their home while others come to enjoy the exquisite displays of art.  Nevertheless, the Greenway Art Festival has become a beloved event for many and provides a day to get away, have a small picnic, enjoy live music and spark the eye's attention with beautiful paintings and handcrafted artwork.
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